16 септември 2013 г.

Harder than easy*

Когато думите имат значение. Не теориите. Без да (не) трябва. Да (не) може. Да (не) искам. Защото всяка емоция е парченце от пъзела на сърцето ми.


*Jack Savoretti - Harder than Easy

So you think that I'm harder than easy,
and you find me as strange as the truth
I'm as guilty of judging as you are
but the difference is I don't judge you

You believed in your fairy tale endings,
now you find yourself down on your knees
Like a rock that's been changed by the ocean,
or a shipwreck lost out at sea.

Sing me a love song
I'm your man
I will always love you the best I can

In our story of riddles and poems,
every word that you speak tastes like stone.
Like a melody sang my a jester,
some are stolen some are your own

At the end of the day when you're lonely
after begging to be left alone
you can look at this world as your kingdom,
if you want you can make me your home

Sing me a love song
I'm your man
I will always love you the best I can

Hold me close, doll
let me go
I will will always love you the most

Още приказки и мисли ще има във Фейсбук страничката на блога ;-)))

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